//(link-goto: "^^shatter^^", (either: "9", "6", "4"))//
(link-reveal: "and I")[, //age torn and tired//, ] on a soft pillow
will lay down my (link: "limbs")[// (if: (history:) contains "I") [(link-reveal: "heart")[ in ink]](else:)[heart]//]
(if: (history:) contains "46") [//and (link: "cease")[(set: $fragment46 to 'end') cease]//]
(if: $fragment46 is 'end')[//(link-goto: "^^again^^")//]
(link-goto: ">>", (either: "9", "6", "4"))
(link-reveal: "so")[// what will you do//]
(link: "]")[//(if: (history:) contains "6")[who will you borrow](else:)[where will you]//]
(link: "]")[]
(link: "]")[]
(link: "]")[(if: (history:) contains "4")[//cut//](else:)[]]
(link: "]")[(if: (history:) contains "4")[//and//](else:)[]]
(link: "go")[//insert yourself//]
so we may (link-reveal: "see")[// what we want to//]
(link: "]")[//Forgive me//]
(link: "lady")[//my// lady]
of gold arms (link: "[")[//for presuming so much//]
(link: "]")[//will you (if: (history:) contains "6")[(link: "hold")[forgive] me?] (else:)[hold (link-reveal: "me")[ gently]?]//]
(link: "]")[//or will (if: (history:) contains "6")[I] (else:)[you] fracture even more?//]
(link: "doom")[(link-reveal: "doom//ed//")[// by clumsy hands//]]
(link: "]")[//clumsier (if: (history:) contains "6")[(link-goto: 'words')](else:)[words]//]
(if: $fragment46 is 'end')[(link-goto: "^^again^^")]
(link-goto: ">>", (either: "9", "46", "4"))
(link: "]invites")[//she// (link-reveal: "invites")[// me in//]]
(link: "]all")[ all //while//(set: $fragment to 'two')] (link-reveal: "not")[ //aware//:]
(link: "]a")[// a//] (if: (history:) contains "9")[(link-reveal: "feast")[// unintended.//]] (else:)[feast]
(link: "]")[// crafted //]for (if: (history:) contains "9") [(link: "Hera")[(link: "me")[(link: "you")[her]]]] (else:)[Hera]
(if: (history:) contains "9")[(link: "]")[//will be consumed by foreigners//]](else:)[(link: "]")[//and//]]
(link: "]")[//yet //]as long (link-reveal: "as")[// new life is inserted//]
(link: "]")[(if: (history:) contains "9")[//then you can ignore what you don't want//]](else:)[]
(link: "]")[//the words continue to (if: (history:) contains "9")[spin regardless](else:)[spin]//(set: $fragment9 to 'one')]
(link: "]")[//(but (if: (history:) contains "9")[(link-goto: "I")] (else:)[I] will never understand them)//]
(if: $fragment9 is 'end')[(link-goto: "^^again^^")]
(link-goto: ">>", (either: "6", "46", "4"))//(link-reveal: "shattered")[ (link-reveal: "like")[
(link-reveal: "pottery.")[
A fractured (link-reveal: "being;")[
(link-reveal: "~~understood~~")[ created (link-reveal: "through")[
(link: "immitation") [(link-reveal: "reconstruction")[
[[>>->end]]]]]]]]]]//(set: $fragment9 to 'end')
//not (link: "really")[(link: "truely")[(link-reveal: "correctly")[ (at least as far as we can know)]]]//
(link-goto: ">>", (either: "6", "46")) (link: "]heart")[//my// (link-reveal: "heart")[// will//]]
(link: "]")[//(if: (history:) contains "4")[(link: "break")[shatter]](else:)[break] //]absolutely
(link: "]")[//(link-reveal: "if ")[ only ]//]I (link: "can")[// could//]
(link: "]")[//pretend.//]
(link: "]would be")[//it// would (link-reveal: "be")[// easier//]] for me
(link: "]")[//for you //]to (link: "shine")[//speak//] in (if: (history:) contains "9")[//response//] (else:)[answer]
(link: "]")[//or turn (link: "my")[your] //]face
(link: "]")[//away//]
(link: "]")[//my (link: "eyes")[being] //]having been stained
(link: "]")[//by your incomplete thoughts//]
(if: (history:) contains "4")[//why would I presume to (link: "understand you?")[insert myself?]//]
(link-goto: ">>", (either: "9", "6", "46"))(link: "//fin//")[(goto-url:'https://nevermoreformless.neocities.org/fracturedhowto.html')]//I only (link-reveal: "seek")[
(link: "celebration")[understanding]]
(if: (history:) contains "9")[(link-reveal: "of")[ (link: "you")[ myself
(if: (history:) contains "words")[(forgive me)]]]]//
(link-goto: ">>", (either: "9", "46", "4"))